Climate Currents2024-09-11T16:28:57+05:30

Climate Currents

Stories of a changing world

This is a series of our recommendations of things to read and watch focussed on climate change. We cover a broader context, beyond buildings and cities. Our goal is to help you understand climate change and its challenges, opportunities, and solutions. We curate these to be a source of information, insights, and inspiration, so you can stay informed and engaged.

Don’t Look Up

September 10th, 2024|What to Watch|

‘Science tells the truth, Randall.’ Says Dr Teddy Oglethorpe from Adam McKay's satirical film Don’t Look Up. But are we listening? Don’t Look Up is a film that explores our society's dismissive attitude toward scientific warnings. The film, which dramatizes the discovery of a comet on a collision [...]

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